Breathing Is The Key To Life
Ilse Middendorf, founder, Experience of Breath
Breathing spans the realms of conscious and unconscious activity like no other physiological function. We work with the whole continuum.
There is a place for manipulation: sometimes consciously lengthening inhale or exhale, speeding or slowing the breath, moving ribs, activating different parts of the lungs, consciously engaging the muscles needed to harness the power of the breath, even stimulating different parts of the brainstem through different relationships of inhale, exhale, rhythm, and force. We literally find more breathing space as we make these changes.
There is also priceless value in learning to attend to and cultivate our own unique rhythms of breath without directing. Stimulating and listening to the movement of breath without interfering is akin to riding the wing of a butterfly, so responsive is the whole process to the slightest interference. Yet therein lies the gift – the marvelous sense of well-being that arises when we get out of the way and let breath lead.
How we breathe shapes our body, our personality, life choices, and physical and emotional health.
As we learn to reconnect with our own free flow of breath, life gets better. Health and vitality improve, communication gets easier, the essential self is clarified, and inner and outer come into better balance.
Who knew that the breath could have it’s own life! Eliana has helped me discover and change breathing habits that were undermining my activities and my quality of daily life.
D.G., Poet and Artist
The breathing work that Eliana has done with me has helped a great deal with quieting my mind and my very over-stimulated nervous system. The “sitz rock” with my natural breath rhythm has been a miracle relaxer for me!
D.B., Pilates Trainer
Our work is making a difference in everything I do. My posture has improved, and I am more breath-aware. I use my breath more effectively as I engage in exercise, yoga, and even in sitting and walking.
K.R., MSW, EFT Master
What Happens In A Session
~Strengthen breathing muscles and increase lung capacity
~Learn practices to increase endurance in sports, dance, and all aerobic activity
~Rebalance O2/CO2 for optimal physical health
~Awaken the whole body to the natural breath through movement and sensing practices

I just had one of the most powerful and insightful sessions this afternoon, working with my breathing patterns, in which Eliana gave me my diaphragm back! I had asthma as a child, and I have seasonal breathing challenges. Eliana helped me identify the patterns that inhibit my smooth, easy breathing. I’m now beginning to retrain my brain to breathe differently. I’m so excited about this.
J.B., Bodyworker and Dancer