Current Online Classes At A Glance

Authentic Movement Online Event

for movers with and without prior experience

March 9, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Pacific Time

Cost $23/class; group size limited

Authentic Movement is a practice rooted in presence and physical awareness that allows whatever needs to emerge via movement to do so. One moves with eyes closed, without music, in the receptive presence of (an) experienced witness(es).  The form is simple and profound and strengthens the experience of body as infinite, intelligent resource, rather than as an object to be directed.

Those new to Authentic Movement as well as those with experience are welcome.

Visit this page for more information:

Better Brain, Better Body: Move Into Better Health

Mondays, 5:30 p.m. PT via Zoom; first class free

This class is an introduction to a whole different approach to your health.              You will improve…
~ movement and brain mapping through simple joint movements
~ brain and body through visual exercises
~ balance and coordination through Vestibular and Cerebellar exercises
~ breathing through practices that open up whole new body areas to breath

Most of all, you will begin to transform as you “get it” that your brain and nervous system run the show. For instance, when we truly understand that pain is an output from the brain in response to inner and outer conditions, not something that happens to us, that completely changes our options and becomes empowering and life-changing. Learn More..

NeuroCentric Fitness Class

Fridays at 10:00 Pacific Time via Zoom; first class free

A one-hour fast-moving small-group online class to improve balance, strength, mental skills, and aerobic fitness. Join anytime. Fun and tailored to your needs.

You will be mobilizing joints, stimulating many parts of your brain, and breathing in new ways as you perform familiar and unfamiliar strength, cardio fitness, vision, and balance exercises for a more resilient brain and body! Learn More..

Z-Yoga page, woman doing yoga, Z-Yoga San Diego

Yoga With A Twist, Online

Mondays at 10 a.m., Pacific Time; first class free

A lightly strenuous yoga class that stimulates brain, breath, and body. The emphasis is on safely expanding your movement “vocabulary.” No experience needed; newcomers welcome.
Eliana’s teaching integrates the strength, balance, agility, and breath awareness of yoga with ZHealth-based visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive skills for well-rounded neurophysical health. Poses are rooted in the Anusara and Iyengar traditions. Learn more..

Your Lymphatic System: Key to Health, An 8-Week Class

 Next start date in 2025; contact us for more info!

Your lymphatic system is your sea of liquid immunity, transporter of fats, and balancer of fluids. Without it, we we could not survive. Yet few people know much about the lymph or how to care for this vital body system.

In this class you will learn in detail how the lymphatic system works, and you will take with you a set of simple practices supportive of your immune health that you will have for the rest of your life.

 My body is really liking that near/far vision drill! My gait instantly improves whenever I do it. Thank you for the great ZHealth education!

J.B., Bodyworker and dancer

 Since taking your Monday and Friday classes, I can now go up and down my hill in the mornings without even getting out of breath! Thank you Eliana!

K.B., Retired administrator

I love  how supportive you are to all class members and your openness to suggestions. You are a master teacher!

J.N., Retired artist & art teacher