Online NeuroCentric Fitness Class: Train Everything!
Fridays at 10 a.m. PST/PDT via Zoom
First class free! Call 619-822-5761 to register

A one-hour small-group video class suitable for just about everyone, at any fitness level and age, to improve balance, strength, visual skills, coordination, and aerobic fitness.
Join anytime.
Fun and tailored to individual needs.
What we do in this class
~Mobilize joints in every direction at every speed, increasing your safety and brain health as you do so
~Exercise your eyes in ways you never knew were important, and help your whole body in the process
~Repair aspects of your Vestibular (balance) system that are keeping your function sub-optimal, and improve balance in the process
~Stimulate reflexes – essential to brain health and hard to do on your own
~Learn new, fun ways to build strength and cardio power
~Improve hand/eye and foot/eye coordination, and grow brain cells as you do so
~Experience the power of the breath in supporting your movement
~Redefine fitness to include all of your body’s systems while creating a healthier brain and body!
My body is really liking that near/far vision drill! My gait instantly improves whenever I do it. Thank you for the great ZHealth education!
J.B., Bodyworker and dancer
Since taking your Monday and Friday classes, I can now go up and down my hill in the mornings without even getting out of breath! Thank you Eliana!
K.B., Retired administrator
I love how supportive you are to all class members and your openness to suggestions. You are a master teacher!
J.N., Retired artist & art teacher