Woman doing yoga on rocks, Zyoga San Diego

Small Group Yoga Class with Personal Attention

Yoga With A Twist

Mondays 10:00-11:00 a.m. PST/PDT, online

A lightly strenuous yoga class that stimulates brain, breath, and body. The emphasis is on safely expanding your movement “vocabulary” as we embody ancient archetypal poses. No experience needed; newcomers welcome.

Eliana’s teaching integrates the strength, balance, agility, and breath awareness of yoga with neurologically-based practices, for well-rounded multidimensional health. Poses are rooted in the Anusara and Iyengar traditions.

Series discount; first class is free! Call 619-822-5761 to register.

Hatha yoga (physical yoga practice) is a well-known and well-documented mind-body discipline that offers many mental and physical benefits. When practiced safely, hatha yoga can positively affect balance and muscle tonus, blood pressure, bone strength, organ health, and much more.* Yoga can also help you become calmer, more courageous and even daring, more compassionate, and more present.

Being In Motion Yoga integrates brain-based assessment and training (see ZHealth) with hatha yoga of the Anusara and Iyengar traditions, which emphasize the use of guided breathing and supportive alignment principles, props, and touch to help you make each pose your own.

In BIM yoga, the three limbs of the nervous system: proprioception, vision, and the vestibular system, are integrated with the poses to support optimal health.

Also unique to Being In Motion yoga is our ability to assess poses to find what is most helpful. For instance, bilaterally symmetrical work can often be more harmful than helpful; you may benefit from performing a pose on only one side. Or you may find that you need to integrate specific movements of the eyes, tongue, or head to help your brain find balance in a pose.


 My body is really liking that near/far vision drill! My gait instantly improves whenever I do it. Thank you for the great ZHealth education!

J.B., Bodyworker and dancer

 Since taking your Monday and Friday classes, I can now go up and down my hill in the mornings without even getting out of breath! Thank you Eliana!

K.B., Retired administrator

I love  how supportive you are to all class members and your openness to suggestions. You are a master teacher!

J.N., Retired artist & art teacher