ZHealth: Applied Neurology to Feel Better In Every Way
What is ZHealth?
ZHealth is a cutting-edge individualized approach to brain and body health that helps us move better, feel better, and live a more satisfying life. We become more resilient and better equipped to flow with whatever comes our way.
Can I benefit from private sessions?
Are you recovering from injury, accident(s), or other trauma and need some help?
Do you want to feel better? Eliminate aches and pains? Age healthily?
Want to see or hear better, or have sharper mental function?
How about better digestion and improved sleep? Easier breathing?
Would you like to improve performance on an instrument or in your sport? Be stronger or more agile?
Yes? Then yes, you can benefit. This work is entirely personally-tailored, and your nervous system shows us where help is needed.
What happens in a ZHealth session?
Based on your history and on movement assessments, it becomes clear where input is needed. We offer that to the brain, like food it’s been wanting for a long time. That might be in the form of joint movements for better brain mapping, or vision or auditory drills, or perhaps respiration training or work with an old scar, or balance-related exercises, or waking up sensation in places you didn’t know you’d lost it…. endless! You are unique. Your nervous system shows us what you need.
You may see improvement in strength and flexibility or reduction of pain in just one session. You will receive short bits of homework to integrate new-found positive changes. Photos or videos of the drills aid in performing exercises at home. And – vitally important – you will learn how to assess your own progress.
Getting Started
Please consider this a partnership. You bring your goals, your body, your history, and your willingness to participate. I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, and full attention on you. Together we create change. We will devote much of your first session to an in-depth conversation about your health and fitness history. We discuss your goals. These are very important; they provide our fuel and direction.
ZHealth as a physical training method
The world of physical training is changing fast, and Neuro-based ZHealth is at the forefront of this change. The old approaches: agonizing strength and endurance training, stretching, mindless and repetitive aerobic workouts, and “no pain, no gain” are proving inadequate, unsafe, mechanistic, and not a whole lot of fun.
We take a brain-based, comprehensive approach to training, balancing safety with challenge and novelty. The development of pain-free mobility and strength must be and are integrated with vision, movement, respiration, reflexes, balance, and hand/eye coordination. Your individually-tailored workouts are rooted in the requirements of your own nervous system.
The hand exercise is a miracle! K.J., life coach
My back feels so much better in the mornings now, I can hold a glass without discomfort, I can walk up and down stairs without pain, and I have so much more mobility in that right ankle. Thank you so much.
L.N., Accountant
How can ZHealth help me?
As we work together, you can expect to…
- Move better
- Balance better
- See better
- Breathe better
- Feel better
- Focus better
- Think better
- Improve coordination
- Reduce stress
- Resolve injuries
- Minimize pain
- Get stronger safely
- Improve flexibility without stretching
- Accelerate athletic performance
- Expand your movement vocabulary
- Enjoy a sense of Neuro-wonder
“In 2003, I suffered a stroke, lost the use of one eye, and thought I would never dance again. My sessions with Eliana picked up where Physical Therapy left off, and I now dance waltz, foxtrot, tango, and rumba.”
Anne S., Retired Bookkeeper
I have been to Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, doctors, and Acupuncturists, and Eliana is the only one whose work has helped me get out of pain.
M.B., Artist
My body is really liking the near-far vision exercise! It seems that my gait is much improved whenever I do that one. Thank you for the great ZHealth education!
J.B., Bodyworker
Eliana is amazing! After only 4 sessions (yes, I admit I worked all my drills, a lot…) I realized I could keep my right heel on the ground when I went out to get the paper! I hadn’t even mentioned this problem during our exceedingly thorough intake session. And then it was solved!
P.L., Office Manager